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Doha: The Investment and Trade Court signed two memorandums of understanding with the Qatari Association of Certified Public Accountants (QCPA) and Qatar Society of Engineers (QSE)separately, in the framework of developing the accounting and engineering expertise of the Court.

The two memoranda were signed by Managing Director of the Investment and Trade Court Maryam Sultan Khalifa Al Rabban, on the part of the QCPA Dr. Hashim Al Sayed, and Eng. Khalid Al Nasser on the part of the QSE.

The Investment and Trade Court said that the signing of the two memoranda of understanding came in the framework of its efforts to develop the mechanism of using Qatari experts and capacities in the fields of judicial expertise to provide technical and specialized reports in the accounting and engineering fields in the cases that the court specializes in to contribute to the achievement of prompt justice and the speedy execution of judicial expertise orders.

The two memoranda of understanding confirm that the QCPA and QSE, at the request of the Court, will submit expertise reports in the relevant fields, based on the law establishing the Investment and Trade Court No. 21 of 2021, as well as clarify what has been accomplished and indicate any obstacles, if any, that require the intervention of the Investment and Trade Court to resolve them.

Chairman of the Investment and Trade Court Judge Khalid bin Ali Al Obaidli said that the signing of the two memoranda aims to cooperate and support the quality and accuracy of the Court’s litigation procedures and ensure the progress of the litigation process within the standard target time, pointing out that the Court’s law granted it the right to use experts even if they are not restricted in the schedule of experts stipulated by the law of expertise at the Ministry of Justice.

The Chairman of the Investment and Trade Court, in a statement to Qatar news agency (QNA), added that the law stipulates that the expert who issued the expertise report is not required to be one of those enrolled in the experts’ table in accordance with Law No. 16 of 2017, which is the same as Article (27) of the law of the Investment and Trade Court No. 21 of 2021, which stated that the Investment and Trade Court may use experts not enrolled in the experts’ table at the Ministry of Justice and also has the right to use offices and expert houses, whether global or local.

He stressed that these two memoranda agreed to assign the mechanism of expertise and distribute the work according to the specialization of these associations, and it was also agreed that these reports should be at the highest level of accuracy and professionalism to help resolve commercial disputes as well as complete these reports as soon as possible.

In the same context, Mariam Al Rabban highlighted that the two memoranda of understanding provide a good opportunity for the Court to use experts and specialists regarding technical aspects related to investment and trade, such as accounting and engineering, adding that these memorandums serve the Court, litigants and associations with which they were signed.

For his part, Dr. Hashim Al Sayed, QCPA president said that the signing of this memoranda came with the aim of supporting the quality, accuracy, objectivity and professionalism of the decisions taken by the Court, pointing out that the Investment and Trade Court has a vision to improve performance and speed of completion, which are the main pillars on which the memoranda were built. It was also agreed in line with the legal frameworks and joint coordination, explaining that the QCPA under the memorandum will coordinate and facilitate between experts and the Court in order to upgrade the work of experts and enhance training.

In turn, QSE Chairman Eng. Khalid Al Nasser reiterated that the Society will seek to support the Court’s reports related to engineering and will develop the performance provided to the Court in terms of the quality and professionalism of the reports in addition to the commitment to the time period by speeding up the submission of reports to speed up the process of adjudicating litigation in record time.